Public code repositories on GitHub

Integrated GIS- and network-based framework for assessing urban critical infrastructure accessibility and resilience: the case of Hurricane Michael
A new draft article currently under review.

Budget in Crisis: Lessons from Complexity Theory
My article discussing budget flexibility from a complexity theory perspective published in the UK-based Crisis Response Journal. You may read it here (1.7 Мb).

Quantification of Loss of Access to Critical Services during Floods in Greater Jakarta: Integrating Social, Geospatial, and Network Perspectives
My research published in Remote Sensing Special Issue Latest Advances in Remote Sensing-Based Environmental Dynamic Models.

Urban System Resilience to Floods in Greater Jakarta
The report I was working on at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and which became the foundation of my PhD thesis methodology. The report presents a framework for assessing physical disruption of critical infrastructure accessibility. The goal is to inform decision makers and general public on the community's social-physical vulnerability.

Assessment of Pepper Value Chain in North Macedonia
A short field trip that assessed a pepper value chain and food loss and waste in North Macedonia.

Kyrgyzstan Value Chain Gap Analalysis
Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful country.

Moldova Value Chain Gap Analalysis
Another report in the series of FAO gap analysis studies.

The Architecture of Food Safety Control: The European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union
Comparison analysis of the two major economic unions.

National Concsiousness and Identity in Western Europe in the XVI-XVIII centuries
Download the book in Russian (10.4 Мb)
My published thesis that was included in the list of mandatory readings in the Master's programme at Saint-Petersburg State University.