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Article cover

Budget in Crisis: Lessons from Complexity Theory

Journal announcement

My article discussing budget flexibility from a complexity theory perspective published in the UK-based Crisis Response Journal. You may read it here (1.7 Мb).


Article cover

Quantification of Loss of Access to Critical Services during Floods in Greater Jakarta: Integrating Social, Geospatial, and Network Perspectives

Publication card

My research published in Remote Sensing Special Issue Latest Advances in Remote Sensing-Based Environmental Dynamic Models.


Article cover

Urban System Resilience to Floods in Greater Jakarta

Publication card

News item

Video presentation

The report I was working on at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and which became the foundation of my PhD thesis methodology. The report presents a framework for assessing physical disruption of critical infrastructure accessibility. The goal is to inform decision makers and general public on the community's social-physical vulnerability.


Article cover

Assessment of Pepper Value Chain in North Macedonia

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A short field trip that assessed a pepper value chain and food loss and waste in North Macedonia.


Article cover

Kyrgyzstan Value Chain Gap Analalysis

Publication card

Official news item

Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful country.

Article cover

Moldova Value Chain Gap Analalysis

Publication card

Official news item

Another report in the series of FAO gap analysis studies.


Book cover

The Architecture of Food Safety Control: The European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union

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Comparison analysis of the two major economic unions.


Book cover

National Concsiousness and Identity in Western Europe in the XVI-XVIII centuries

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My published thesis that was included in the list of mandatory readings in the Master's programme at Saint-Petersburg State University.

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